Molecular Design and Synthesis of Dicarbazolophane-Based Cen-trosymmetric through-Space Donors for Solution-Processed TADF OLEDs


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Authors: Zhen Zhang; Stefan Diesing; Ettore Crovini; Abhishek Gupta; Eduard Spuling; Xuemin Gan; Olaf Fuhr; Martin Nieger; Zahid Hassan; Ifor D. W. Samuel; Stefan Bräse; Eli Zysman-Colman

Journal title: Organic Letters

Journal number: Volume 23, Issue 17

Journal publisher: Chem Rxiv

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 6697-6702

DOI identifier: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-zcn1p

ISSN: 2573-2293