Presentation and demonstration to open science events

TRuStEE will be involved in scientific initiatives organized to bring science to a large audience. The beneficiaries will take part to science open science initiative presenting appealing new technologies such as drones, laser scanning, thermal images are appealing for people at all age. The coordinator (UNIMIB) has been part of the organization of the European Night of Researchers in Milano since 2013, and since then has also participated to the Wired Next Fest organized by WIRED in Milano. The other participants have been involved in different science social events through their institutions, e.g. the European Night of Researchers (CSIC, MPG), ‘science in the square’ (UNEXE). Furthermore, Media (local TV and/or radio, newspaper) will be involved during the summer school, particularly during the field campaign, in order to show data acquisition with innovative instrumentation. Finally, ESR will be asked to prepare a final presentation in the form of a TED conference, that will be uploaded in the dissemination section on the TRuStEE website.