Training event TE3, Courses E, F

TE3 Host NCSR Athens, Greece , Visiting Scientist M16 4.5 days with 0.5 day round table discussions Course E Micro-Raman and transient spectroscopies 3 days NCSR Falaras, IIT Petrozza, BIU Zaban Lectures and practical sessions. Principles of Raman and IR, infrared, Spectroscopies, Raman Instrumentation (micro, dispersive and FT spectrometers), the Michelson IR Interferometer, Molecular Spectra and Energy Levels, Vibration of a Diatomic Molecule, Raman Scattering by Phonons in Crystals, Resonance and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Raman and mid- and far-IR Spectroscopies in perovskite devices. Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence. Use of a Renishaw micro-Raman and ATR-Thermos Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometers. Micro-Raman and variable temperature PL measurements of PSC and PeLED components (e.g. titania photoelectrodes, perovskite layers) of standard cells and films at different fabrication stages will be carried out and analyzed. Characterization of devices provided by the participants Course F Data analysis and management 1 day Stein, 3G, Blakesley, NPL Lectures and exercises Quantitative methods including large scale surveys, experimental design and descriptive and inferential statistics. Links between quantitative and qualitative methods will be explored. Generalisability, sampling,