Transferable skills courses

Scientific publishing and dissemination.: Writing with a clear and direct style and plan, research, organize and compose a literature review; Practice skills on both sides of the camera and microphone, as well as gaining experience of effective scientific writing under real time pressure; Research Ethics, and Bioethics which will cover topics such as “The fabrication/falsification of Data”, “Professional and Personal Integrity”, “Plagiarism and Collusion”, and “Medical Research”; The relationship between communication, science and policymaking in both the developed and developing world. Entrepreneurship and IP management: Development of entrepreneurship skills including: idea generation; learning how to get investors excited; understanding marketing, design, and legal matters; Understanding of the technology behind the product. The students will have the opportunity to understand development processes and acquire project management skills. The students will also end up with an overview of White and Red Biotech market; Protection of intellectual property including: obtaining patents; licensing technology to established companies; copyrighting software; initiating start-ups