Public dissemination of project results

In order to ensure that the project results are efficiently disseminated to scientific and industrial communities, the partners will implement specific measures. A dedicated work package has been defined to ensure the implementation of these measures as well as effective knowledge transfer among the partners. The partners will disseminate information about the goals of the project, ongoing activities, progress, results and the potential benefits and opportunities for Academia and the private sector. As first measure, the partners will use their own academic and industrial networks for dissemination. In addition, it is expected that at least 30 scientific papers (at least two per ESR), will be published in peer-reviewed journals. For each of the ESRs, one of the required publications will be submitted to a journal familiar to the biological systems engineering community (e.g. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Computers and Chemical Engineering, PLOS Computational Biology) and one publication will be submitted to a journal transcending the community (for more mathematical projects, relevant publications include: Journal of Global Optimization, INFORMS Journal of Computing, Optimization Methods and Software; for more biological projects, relevant publications include Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Leukemia). Further dissemination activities will include: - Reporting software to facilitate exchange of data between the partners (Emdesk); - Presentations at scientific conferences; - Press-releases for the local and international media; - Organization of workshops with the participation of renowned scientists and external industrial leaders. The project partners will communicate and disseminate the results to several target sectors: scientific community (researchers and students), relevant industrial sectors, general public, potential investors/stakeholders. To ensure the access to the project results, all scientific publications will be made under the open-access concept – i.e. free of charge online access for the user. Both open access publishing and self-archiving options will be considered (also called ‚gold‛ or ‚green‛ open access model, respectively).