FemtoMAX – an X-ray beamline for structural dynamics at the short-pulse facility of MAX IV


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Authors: Henrik Enquist, Andrius Jurgilaitis, Amelie Jarnac, Åsa U. J. Bengtsson, Matthias Burza, Francesca Curbis, Christian Disch, J. Carl Ekström, Maher Harb, Lennart Isaksson, Marija Kotur, David Kroon, Filip Lindau, Erik Mansten, Jesper Nygaard, Anna I. H. Persson, Van Thai Pham, Michael Rissi, Sara Thorin, Chien-Ming Tu, Erik Wallén, Xiaocui Wang, Sverker Werin, Jörgen Larsson

Journal title: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

Journal number: 25/2

Journal publisher: Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography

Published year: 2018

Published pages: 570-579

DOI identifier: 10.1107/S1600577517017660

ISSN: 1600-5775