An InP Reflective SOA-EAM for 10 Gb/s Colorless Multi-IFoF/mmWave Fiber-Wireless Uplink in 5G Networks


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Authors: Kebede Atra, Eugenio Ruggeri, Giancarlo Cerulo, Jean-Guy Provost, Karim Mekhazni, Christos Vagionas, Alexandre Garreau, Frederic Pommereau, Carmen Gomez, Catherine Fortin, Jean-François Paret, Arnaud Wilk, Cédric Ware, Didier Erasme, Franck Mallecot, Amalia Miliou and Mohand Achouche

Journal title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO-2021

Journal publisher: OSA

Published year: 2021