Final Conference

The Final Conference is planned to maximize the impact of EMERALD final outcomes and introduction to the relevant communities engineers and clinicians and stakeholders aiming for a European wide dissemination of the action Keynote speakers from the medical community will be invited Profs C Pollo and W ZGragger from the University Hospital Bern CH Prof N Goldberg from Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center IL Dr J Kubes from the Proton Therapy Center in Prague CZ Profs P Plaisance and H Chabriat from the Lariboisire University Hospital FR and Prof P Coelho Dr L Orvalho and Dr M Nave from Hospital da Luz PT At this stage a number of quality papers and presentations of EMERALDs results will have been published so that the conference will be capable to attract industry and academia not only in Europe but worldwide The main results of the action will be present by the ESRs This will boost the exploitation of EMERALD and the job prospects of its young researchers