List of attendees from the National info days gathered from National Node Coordinators - list update

National information days with key stakeholders groups will be organized by ECCSEL National Nodes with aim of bringing awareness to all relevant stakeholders: Research Community, Academia, Industry, National Funding Agencies). Possibilities to liaise with on–going relevant R&D activities will be investigated. The info days will be organized by the National Nodes and led respectively by the following organizations per country: SINTEF ER (NO), BGS (UK), TNO (NL), CIUDEN (ES), OGS (IT), ETH (CH), CERTH (EL), PGI (PL), BRGM (FR) - 1st Info day (during M4-M5) in each ECCSEL member country. - 2nd Info day (during M14-M15) in each ECCSEL member country. A list of attendees (invited & actually attended) from the National info days is gathered from National Node Coordinators and complied updating the initial list.