Data standard specification

Data standard specification : A document which lays out a data format specification intended to be used when comparing output from different the technologies we use for atmospheric modelling. The format should be “self-describing” and platform-independent. This deliverable hence concludes on the choice of an under-the-hood data format. This shall be an effective and open format and good candidate formats include the well-established Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), GRIB (GRIdded Binary or General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form), Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and Common Data Format (CDF). • A set of defined variable names in the International System of Units (SI). • A set of meta-data attributes which describe the properties of the data. These shall also be possible to store within in the selected data format files. • Open-source tools which can convert data into the specified format. The data format shall also include information about the method used to convert the “raw data” into the “atmosphere model data.” The associated report shall also point to open-access tools which can be used to access and visualize the data. If necessary, such tools (or plug-ins to such tools) will need to be developed.