Virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics


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Authors: Peter Simmonds, Mike J. Adams, Mária Benkő, Mya Breitbart, J. Rodney Brister, Eric B. Carstens, Andrew J. Davison, Eric Delwart, Alexander E. Gorbalenya, Balázs Harrach, Roger Hull, Andrew M.Q. King, Eugene V. Koonin, Mart Krupovic, Jens H. Kuhn, Elliot J. Lefkowitz, Max L. Nibert, Richard Orton, Marilyn J. Roossinck, Sead Sabanadzovic, Matthew B. Sullivan, Curtis A. Suttle, Robert B. Tesh, Ren

Journal title: Nature Reviews Microbiology

Journal number: 15/3

Journal publisher: Nature Publishing Group

Published year: 2017

Published pages: 161-168

DOI identifier: 10.1038/nrmicro.2016.177

ISSN: 1740-1526