Communication and Dissemination Plan

Task 21 aims to establish a clear communication dissemination and exploitation strategy to guarantee that COMFOCUS creates a strong awareness and solid linkages and uptake between FCS actors and stakeholders It also must promote the use of project results and the organic growth of FCS community during and beyond project duration The communication dissemination and exploitation strategy will include the best way to engage the stakeholders and the most suitable channels and tools to target each one For that purpose will be established a Communication Dissemination and Exploitation Plan D21 including Focus of the COMFOCUS Knowledge Platform and pan European community building Target audiences and Potential users Key messages Methods Potential useexploitation as described in section 22 and 23 This task will defined a set of key performance indicators KPIs which will be monitored and managed by WP2 and will also develop the visual identity of COMFOCUS that includes the final project logo colors and typography to be used across all official communication Aligned with the periodic reporting 4 updates of the D21 will be provided M12 M14 M36 and M48Task 22 MS3aims to develop the COMFOCUS website This website acts as outer appearance integrated with the communication and networking activities developed in this WP and providing information about the project objectives phases and outcomes and consortium partners This website will be used for the announcement and summaries of meetings workshops summer schools conferences calendars of various activities within the project and in particular will promote the COMFOCUS Open Calls on VATNA WP3 The COMFOCUS internal platform developed by SPI will be equipped with an intranet accessible to COMFOCUS partners for sharing project information and relevant project documents for consultation Task 23 MS4 aims to develop the COMFOCUS Knowledge platform for external users including the researchers applying to the COMFOCUS Open Calls to share information and be accessible to user communities academia and industry and technology developers This will provide an essential part of the networking and will include also a 1 discussion platform 2 the COMFOCUS Toolbox WP7 and 3 a library to share harmonised protocols guidelines literature and results WP 4 5 and 6 At this level and in close collaboration with WP3 the COMFOCUS Knowledge platform will also include 4 a portal to apply for VATNA with more detailed information about consumer science infrastructures related activities expertise of the respective institutional infrastructure and the procedures for obtaining subsidized access It will show an interactive map of FCS RIs across Europe describe the services provided by COMFOCUS The COMFOCUS Knowledge platform will maintain for three years after the closing the project and will be linked to the platform of FNHRI