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Authors: Juliana Alcoforado Diniz, Mariana M. Chaves, Slavica Vaselek, Rubens D. Miserani Magalhães, Rafael Ricci-Azevedo, Renan V. H. de Carvalho, Lucas B. Lorenzon, Tiago R. Ferreira, Dario Zamboni, Pegine B. Walrad, Petr Volf, David L. Sacks, Angela K. Cruz
Journal title: PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Journal number: 15/3
Journal publisher: Camila I. de Oliveira, Editor
Published year: 2021
Published pages: e0009230
DOI identifier: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009230
ISSN: 1935-2735