Progress on nuclear reaction rates affecting the stellar production of 26Al


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Authors: Alison Monica Laird, Maria Lugaro, Anu Kankainen, Philip Adsley, Dan Bardayan, Hannah Brinkman, Benoit Cote, Catherine Deibel, Roland Diehl, Fairouz Hammache, Jacqueline den Hartogh, Jordi Jose, Deniz Kurtilgil, Claudia Lederer-Woods, Gavin Lotay, George Meynet, Sara Palmerini, Marco Pignatari, Rene Reifarth, Nicolas de Séréville, Andre Sieverding, Richard James Stancliffe, Thomas Trueman, Thoma

Journal title: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Journal number: 50

Journal publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing

Published year: 2023

Published pages: 033002

DOI identifier: 10.1088/1361-6471/ac9cf8

ISSN: 0954-3899