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Authors: M Aliotta, R Buompane, M Couder, A Couture, R J deBoer, A Formicola, L Gialanella, J Glorius, G Imbriani, M Junker, C Langer, A Lennarz, Yu A Litvinov, W-P Liu, M Lugaro, C Matei, Z Meisel, L Piersanti, R Reifarth, D Robertson, A Simon, O Straniero, A Tumino, M Wiescher, Y Xu
Journal title: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Journal number: 49(1)
Journal publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Published year: 2022
Published pages: 010501
DOI identifier: 10.1088/1361-6471/ac2b0f
ISSN: 0954-3899