Roadmap of ECFAS integration into CEMS

Deliverable 64 will be a report including the Roadmap of integration of ECFAS into CEMS The Roadmap will include the technical and operational feasibility of integration of the PoC into the current CEMS system Following the European Commissions document Fostering the uptake of Copernicus and Space applications July 2017 a costbenefit analysis will be included to ensure the delineation between Copernicus core services and downstream services taking into account the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality the avoidance of duplication and the facilitation of user uptake A calendar of integration will be integrated in the Deliverable taking into account technical constraints and coordination with the CEMS evolution program Deliverable 64 will include a Delineation Plan It will define the procedures to integrate ECFAS as a new product in the Copernicus Core Services following the guideline regarding the Delineation between the Copernicus program and third party activities The D64 will include a proposal for a corresponding amendments to the Copernicus User Requirements The proposal will be accompanied by a cost and funding plan The outcomes of the Users Training Workshop Task 73 recommendations and suggestions of the users including the USB and CSET recommendations will be included in the Roadmap