Report on the intercomparison between CMEMS and ANYEU-SSL modelling systems

Deliverable D42 will report on the intercomparison of CMEMS and ANYEUSSL models over a common period The report will elaborate on the identification of optimal settings of the ANYEUSSL model hindcast linked to Task 42 D41 The intercomparison of models in D42 will mainly illustrate how well models of different complexity 2D barotropic 3D SCHISM and integrated CMEMS models 3D ocean circulation tides surges wave interactions data assimilation reproduce TWL and extremes hence providing recommendations for the nextgeneration of TWL forecasting systems beyond ECFAS The report will elaborate on the intercomparison methodology and results using a set of common skill scores and observations dataset The D42 will include a specific section dedicated to the extreme water level prediction skill of the used codes The report will contain the variability in the spatial and temporal pattern of model performance for the two modelling system for what concerns extreme total water levels