Knowledge and data exchange infrastructure specifications

Report on the outcomes of task 3.1 internal information exchange infrastructure with functionality to collect and curate data, aggregate and store data, to elaborate access from the different computational tools of T3.3 and T3.4, to support coating formulations of WP2 and to implement SSbD framework from WP4. The infrastructure has three purposes: (i) Fostering the timely documentation and sharing of all project data (experimental and computational) among all consortium partners in a human- and computer-readable form to allow its use as input for the (downstream) computational tools and guide decisions in material design; (ii) Providing the data to SSbD framework building the bases for pre-validation and validation activities and stakeholder uptake; (iii) Becoming, in the long run, the interface to provide data from BIO-SUSHY methods to public resource used by the community for FAIR sharing of research outputs. The information management will include data and information on the used methods and the execution of the experiments including detailed description of the methods including measuring principles, study designs, SOPs and protocols. All these components will be reported in a harmonized and interoperable way using community-endorsed formats and curation templates following the FAIR principles and will be supported by specific data input functionality. The data management and sharing processes adopted by the BIO-SUSHY consortium will be documented and constantly updated in the research output management plan (ROMP), which, as an extension of a data management plan (DMP), will guide partners in their preparation of technology documentation, protocols, (meta)data, software, and results. The ROMP will also provide measures for identifying and addressing any problems or challenges encountered in data curation and management