Decision-support model for reuse logistic network design

Defining the optimal strategy to optimize the packaging reuse network environmentally and economically. This task aims at studying and prototyping the overall configuration of the reusable packaging system as a closed-loop logistic network through a novel and tailored location-allocation model developed by UniBo to aid the design of the network topology and the package flows allocation. The package materials, the package configurations and options designed normalized and tested at T3.3, further characterized by environmental impacts tallied at WP6 and consumers’ actions, expectations and requirements (from WP2), will be compared and selected through the model along with the optimal distribution and collection strategy using a commercial Linear or Mixed-Integer Programming Solver. The resulting solution in terms of optimal packaging options and related reuse strategies and logistic networks (D3.3) will feed WP5 for real-world validation and WP6 (T6.2), supporting the most relevant scenario building.