Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Awareness Rising plan - including DOMP

Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation andAwareness Rising plan - including DOMP is produced in T7.1 : This task will secure the development of Dissemination and communication strategy and materials, including: ● A complete and detailed actionable plan for dissemination & Exploitation together with appropriate communication activities (and monitoring KPI) - elaborated at M6 (D7.1);● The project visual identity and the dedicated project website - (RE)SET, M3;● Social networks to spread the project activities and results online (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube);● Keeping track of all project publications and public disclosures;● Informing all the partners of related events and conferences and participation to the most relevant ones (National events organised by (RE)SET in France, and by Carrefour in Belgium and Spain; an international EU-wide event organised in Brussels by SAFE; virtual roundtables, featuring project partners, consumers, industrials and policymakers; targeted citizens awareness campaigns);● All templates for external communications ensuring no patentable information is disclosed.All partners will creatively seek opportunities to disseminate the project results through their existing communication channels and participate actively to the project dissemination task force. R3PACK taylored guidelines addressed to consumers, policy makers and food-business operators, will be designed by SAFE allowing the communication of the core project outcomes in an accessible, direct and engaging way. Guidelines for staff training addressed to industrials will be designed by (RE)SET.