ECCA session on communication and communities

WP5 contributors have decided to adjust Deliverables D54 D55 and to add deliverable D57 Deliverables D54 and D55 which were originally intended to focus on the dissemination of the results of SINCERE including by means of an appropriate toolbox are modified not only as foreseen originally1to ensure the dissemination of the results of SINCERE D55but also2 to engage the other half in a ECCA 2021 session on communication and communities D543 to forward the key findings and messages generated during the ECCA 2021 to the COP26 by exploiting the new deliverable D57 Streamlining and implementing ECCA2021 key findings and messages for next talks CoP26 That means that D54 Communication Toolbox engaging the other half M24 is reduced to one ECCA session coordinated by Partner 4 WUR on communication and communities in order to save project months for organizing ECCA2021 The volume of personmonths originally devoted to generate the toolbox will be used to perform activities related to modified Deliverable 55 and the new Deliverable 57 The toolbox is replaced by a set of documents related to the communications for ECCA2021 including the webinar schedule the communication means and website colour settings specific functions for the Media and Contacts etc