Strategy and action plan for collaboration between JPI-Climate and AU-EU HLPD relevant research and innovation policy initiatives for Flagship Action Africa

Task 23 Strengthening JPICs collaboration and internationalization with other initiatives involving MSAC and EC via AUEU HLPDprocess ultimately aims to contribute to the alignment of the strategic orientation of climate related activities of the AUEU HLPD with the Strategic Research Agenda of JPI Climate It will broker new partnerships between key research policy actors in the region to establish a stronger collaborative basis for implementation of the SINCERE Flagship Action for Africa in WP4 The Strategy and action plan for collaboration is a prerequisite to foster the concept of a flagship action Africa Both activities work hand in hand and need to be harmonized Therefore accordingly to the opportunity of engaging with officials during AUEU High Level Policy Dialogue HLPD on Science Technology and Innovation WP 2 contributors modify Deliverable 29 into D29 Strategy and action plan for collaboration between JPIClimate and AUEU HLPD relevant research and innovation policy initiatives for Flagship Action AfricaWhere originally WP2 tasks were partially merged with WP4 tasks to generate a joint and adapted report WP 2 and WP 4 tasks are separated Deliverable 29 is generated in WP 2 and exploited in WP 4 Flagship Action Africa