Symposium Abstracts and related practitioner-oriented documents - Part II

Symposium Abstracts and related practitioneroriented documents Part IIAcademic Symposia will be used to discuss the latest thinking around key research themes collected in written form and transferred to joint review papers as topics to explore with current and future research These events will allow UNL to present the research under development and all Partners to discuss ideas and develop the field Different Partners will host each Symposium that will be attended by researchers from other partners and will be open to the community of the host institution Each hosting Partner will explore its key strengths in the hosted SymposiumSymposium 2 M18 Rome Language and action the social impact of paradox and pluralism research This symposium will be hosted by LUISS and attended by 5 researchers from UNL and 2 representatives from each Partner The goal is to explore the impacts of paradoxical and plural perspectives on the language and actions that drive European researchers and decisionmakers to useapply in public and private spheres business ecosystems and the society at large Important insights on how this research creates innovative and positive cycles of action in society will be disseminated both through academic symposium proceedings and practitioneroriented documents see Section 222Symposium 3 M30 Rotterdam Innovative research methods to explore pluralistic views and integrative solutions This symposium will be hosted by EUR and attended by 5 researchers from UNL and 2 representatives from each Partner EUR is recognized for the use of multiple stakeholder analysis and will leverage the potential of these methods during the symposium Important insights on methodological techniques and concerns will be disseminated through academic symposium proceedings see Section 222