UMCS strategy for socio-economic impact in the field of e-health

UMCS strategy for socio-economic impact in the field of e-health will be elaborated taking into consideration the results and findings of WP 2 and leveraging on the expertise of the leading institutions. The document will define, in a 5-years framework, the future project and initiatives to be jointly conducted by UMCS and the local stakeholders interested in the research field of the project. More specifically, the document will: •specify needs and expectations of the territory of Lubelskie (businesses, public authorities, citizens) •identify modalities for fostering UMCS collaboration with the business system and public sector to create impact from research and innovation activities (incl. the Lublin Medicine Cluster)•boost entrepreneurship and transfer research results to the market.Similarly to the Joint Research Roadmap (D1.5), the Strategy will also guarantee sustainable collaboration between UMCS and local stakeholders, beyond the end of project, by indicating relevant national and EU funding opportunities (including the ESIF funds). And it will also include a section giving recommendations to UMCS leadership on how to enhance its overall strategy for creating value within the economy and society. To this end 5 meetings with UMCS leadership will be arranged by the Scientific Coordinator in order to share the document before its finalisation.