Initial tools of communication channels, inc. logo, roll up, website, social accounts, brochure

An initial set of communication tools will be set up by M2 consisting of A Project logo to be put on all information promotional and publicity material including documents B Project brochure in paper and electronic format in all partner languages English 500 copies each in NLPLIT 1000 copies in EN and used by each partner for general communication publicity and promotional purposes in meetings conferences and other publicity and dissemination events C a Rollup to be used in public events and conferences D a media kit to be used in media relationships E 3 project social accounts will be set up and constantly updated Facebook Twitter YouTube F a project website in English and PolishA promotional video about the project will be released in M18 in English with subtitles in the national languages Role Eurocentro will develop the logo project brochure rollup media kit website also updating it and social accounts All partners will a translate the brochure and the videos subtitles from English to its own language UniLublin will also translate the website content into Polish b contribute with website content also updated content c update social accounts