Promotion materials

The consortium will update the draft dissemination exploitation and communication plan provided in section 22 at the beginning of the project It will be released as deliverable 32 by LEI by M06 The performance of all the dissemination communication and exploitation actions planned in deliverable 32 will be reviewed every year in the dissemination communication and exploitation annual reports written by LEI D34 D37 and D39 by using the KPIs detailed in section 222Part of the communication actions will be to produce promotion materials such as a leaflet and a poster to promote the project They will be distributed to target audiences in conferences Task 31 32 outreach events Task 35 summer schools Task 42 PhD symposiums Task 43 recruitment fairs Task 44 problemsolvingcontests task 45 They will also be available for download on the project website Task 36 A project logo and graphical charter will be produced for this occasion They will be released by M04 as deliverable 31 and complete the online promotion done in Task 36