Data management plan

The Project Coordinator as the chair of the Project Steering Committee will lead the task of overall project coordination and risk management Monitoring timely compliance by the partners with their task obligations and deliverables Providing an interface between the European Commission and the consortium to ensure that all project activities follow an integrated approach and the project is implemented according to the grant agreement Being chief spokesperson for the project and participating in dissemination and outreach events Monitoring the potential risks that may occur in the course of the project and implement the mitigation measures as necessary Manage any potential ethical issue arising in the implementation of the project Manage intellectual property rights according to the planAny important decision to be made regarding the execution of the project or the exploitation of its results will involve a collegial decision by the Project Steering CommitteeLEI as a coordinator of the project will lead the production by the consortium of a detailed data management plan in compliance with the template provided by the EC Annex I of Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020 An initial version will be produced early in the project D51 M5 which is then updated for the projects final reviewLinked to Task 61