During the project, communication activities will take place in a form of dedicated activities tailored to target specific audiences (INITIAL PerceptiveSentinel community): (1) intermediate users and (2) specific end user communities: farmers and farming associations (Precision farming products), governments (CAP control and food security), insurance companies (risk assessment, damage assessment and index products) and forestry agencies (illegal logging and forest inventory). The goal of communication activates is to promote project, to attract potential intermediate and end users and to establish circumstances for successful market entry.
Two type of workshops will be organised with agriculture champion user group by L&F (Danish farming community), GEOVILLE (Austria) and AIS (Slovenia): (1) assessment on user requirements and (2) educational workshops to present use case EO VAS.
L&F will host at least one training course for farm advisors where the capabilities EO VAS use cases and their integration into Crop management solutions will be demonstrated.
Hands-on trainings with intermediate users for the construction, publishing and integration of EO VAS will be organised to encourage construction and publishing of new servieces and to ecourage the usage of PerceptiveSentinel pre-processing capabilities.
Direct interaction (mail, visits, presentations, one-one-on communication) with larger end-users will be organised to acquire snapshot of user-expectations and to promote capabilities of ParceptiveSentinel platform.
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