First version of Data Management Plan (DMP) will be written in month 2.
During the project, DMP will be regularly updated and in the project after-life it will become a part of PerceptiveSentinel Policy document.
Main features addressed through DMP Will be:
- Data sharing: data sharing policies will follow rules of Open Research Data Pilot, providing an open access to research data generated through this project. Privacy and data ownership will be accounted as well. Following principles will apply: (1) data generated through project research activities will be openly available, (2) all the data which is available free of cost (for instance SENTINEL data) will be available at the same terms also through PerceptiveSentinel platform and (3) all of the other data will be (or not be) available on the terms set by data owner. The only exception of this rule is represented in PerceptiveSentinel’s DEMO REGION, where we will tend to provide ALL data free-of-charge (following special agreements with data owners). The described principles will assure that all data, required to VERIFY project deliveries, will be openly available.
- Data format of both the EO and in-situ data: this part will describe the main characteristics of the data and their provenance. The following macro-information will be managed for each data source and data set: (1) data-set reference and name, (2) data-set description, (3) data-set scope and goal for the project.
- Data protocols: protocols will be specified to be used for data exchange within the PerceptiveSentinel system, and between the PerceptiveSentinel system and the external world. Worldwide spatial standards (OGC WMS, WFS, WCS, GeoJSON) and non-spatial (XML) standards will be used.
- Catalogue data - metadata on all available data (historical, current and future) and available EO VAS will be provided in a form of Data Catalogue, which will inform users on availability of data and EO products in their target areas. Standard metadata formats will be privileged (OGC Catalogue Services, INSPIRE where relevant), while ad-hoc ones will be considered only if strictly necessary (to describe specific EO VAS).
- Archiving and preservation; Rolling archive infrastructure (data archive, which keeps adding new data with old ones remaining available for predefined amount of time) will be implemented on CLOUD infrastructure. Data driven models will be implemented on the data-input side - automatic download of SENTINEL data will be provided for areas with active subscriptions and for PerceptiveSentinel’s DEMO REGION. The data will be stored for the whole subscription period. 3 months after the subscription expires, the data will be archived and then erased from the production database. Presentation data, meant to be used as a background data layer (Level-3A data with the global coverage) will be refreshed once a month.
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