PerceptiveSentinel platform services will be employed to design and publish EO-VAS: Crop CYCLE. EO VAS: Crop CYCLE will describe the evolution of the certain crop (using Crop TYPE as an input) corresponding to the vegetative development of the crop. Specific stages of growth (e.g. flowering, grain filling) are particularly sensitive to weather conditions and critical for final yield. The timing of the crop cycle (phenology) determines the productive success of the crop. In general, a longer crop cycle is strongly correlated with higher yields, since a longer cycle permits maximum use of the available thermal energy, solar radiation and water resources. Crop cycle info will be an important input into Crop YIELD estimation (example: water requirements vary significantly during growth cycles). Development will run in parallel in close cooperation with services where service chaining is expected. Activities will be supported by SINERGISE and JSI, the first offering support in platform usage and the second providing support on the usage of streaming learning methods.