Online training modules

Deliverable 3.4: Online training modules We will set a focus on developing online teaching materials based on Jupyter Notebooks which are web-based documents that allow for markdown description of research methods, alongside the embedding of directly executable code in many languages such as R or Python. It will allow easy exploration of data with a minimum of coding skills, but that will gradually lead participants to acquire more coding skills in R or Python. GESIS has already built expertise in this area. Firstly, by providing students and researchers with interactive, “clickable” visual notebooks where code is hidden and can be gradually revealed and explored. Secondly, through web-platforms that start users off with light-weight visual exploration web tools and seamlessly lead over to more complex analysis scripts with code by passing on parameters to linked, prepared notebooks on (Please see: Lastly, all code will be didactically tailored to the needs of researchers with non-technical backgrounds, another task that GESIS is familiar with due to their strong involvement in teaching Data Science topics to Social Scientists. While the whole consortium will work together to develop and produce the material, GESIS will lead the process. Online training modules are planned to be prepared by the 24th month of the project.