Newsletters & dissemination material: Leaflet, Posters, Video, Infographic

"""•A bi-annual e-Newsletter providing information on project progress and results, links to press and news releases, articles and interviews. The newsletter will in turn address different stakeholder groups e.g.: a) stakeholders in construction value chain b) housing providers, property owners and occupiers and c) local authorities. This will allow for a differentiation between groups adapting the knowledge transfer channels. •Information on the project will also be provided by a project leaflet produced in English and in all languages in the consortium to guarantee a wider geographical coverage. •1 A0 poster and 1 roll-up poster will be produced to be displayed during workshops, fairs and conferences. 1 infographic (M36) will summarize the main objectives and solutions implemented in the 6 CPCC LLs. Relevant project partners will be responsible for the translations of the above-described material.•A subtitled video for the 6 CPCC demos will present the local context and the solutions developed by ARV project, as well as the feasibility, reliability and replicability of the solutions proposed. The video will show the interactions of the activities around the demos with the local community. It will be shared widely on the website and the relevant social network channels, supporting the sustainability of the project results beyond the project’s lifetime.•The key deliverables of the project will be presented briefly in short video recordings representing the relevant partners, summarizing their reports. These videos will be uploaded on the project’s YouTube channel and website and will be widely promoted through the project’s Social Media. Additionally, informational factsheets illustrating project progress and published deliverables will be developed regularly to be distributed to the relevant target groups. Based on the informational factsheets, a project result booklet containing description of all the results achieved in ARV will be produced with the contributions of all partners involved in the 6 CPCC demos.""Several sub-deliverables. M6 & M30 (Leaflet)M9 (Posters)M18 (Video)M36 (Infographic)"