Report on communication activities including workshops

Task 3.2 (MS9) aims to prepare a communication strategy on COMFOCUS Open Calls to create awareness and interest by (new) users. COMFOCUS will give as wide a publicity and information as possible on the access program, with an emphasis on the group of new users, without neglecting its traditional collaborators base. COMFOCUS operates a website homepage (WP2) which provides a COMFOCUS Knowledge platform for information on the expertise, virtual and experimental infrastructures offered, examples of results, new possibilities, all its activities and the procedures for obtaining subsidized access, and the application forms. All partners will contribute to signal the opportunity and Open Calls within their network, e.g. the communities of FNH-RI or Metrofood. Four one-day workshops (M14,M24) will be organised in four different member states taking into consideration various aspects and expected impacts, two will be held at COMFOCUS partners countries (Slovakia and Italy) and two workshops in non-COMFOCUS countries (Sweden and Poland), to inform potential users about consumer science infrastructures. The workshops will elaborate on general aspects of consumer science and the opportunities of measuring consumer behaviour offered COMFOCUS infrastructures. To publicise the opportunities for access to the infrastructures, an important strategy to interest researcher's community is to advertise at International (European) Meetings, e.g. Pangborn, FENS, JPI HDHL annual meeting.