Piloting Definition and Preparation
In this task details on the specifics and interactions of the pilots will be elaborated. This will be supplemented with relevant diagrams and low-fidelity prototypes to demonstrate and clarify various concepts and innovations of the ACCEPT project. This task will rely on results from WP2 and especially the user stories and the market watch. Among the pilot preparation, during this task guidelines and recommendations will also be specified. Those will be created in the first 6 months of this task. Another major output of T7.1 is a list of use case specific key performance indicators for ACCEPT. This list will be used in Task T7.2, T7.3 and T7.4 to assess whether the objectives of the corresponding task have been satisfied. Please note that this list will be different from the project wide success indicators listed at section 2.1.6 because the list created during this task will be use case specific.
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