Data management plan

The DMP will cover:● Types of data/research outputs: definition of dataset units to be produced during the project life span. Each data set will contain, at least the work package to which it belongs and data typology, with a short description.● Findability of data/research outputs: datasets will be stored on Zenodo, automatically becoming part of OpenAIRE, the EC-funded initiative supporting the Open Access policy. Each will be assigned a unique identifier.● Accessibility of data/research outputs: use restrictions and licensing information. Open Access will be implemented in peer-review publications, conference proceedings and workshop presentations.● Interoperability of data/research outputs: standards used to describe datasets. Proper metadata facilitates the use of the data by others, makes it easier to combine information from different sources and ensures transparency. Metadata of deposited data will be open under a Creative Common Public Domain Dedication (CC 0).● Reusability of data/research outputs: the right to access and reuse digital research data under the terms set out in the Grant Agreement will be ensured. The DMP will include information on licensing of data, their availability, re-use of data, duration of data for re-use and reproducibility of research outputs, among other issues.● Curation and storage/preservation: The Exploitation manager will oversee data management, while quality control of each dataset is the responsibility of every WP leader. Informed consent in data collection and information protection in data storage and access will be considered, as well as procedures for longterm preservation of datasets.