+Trondheim 2050 Bold City Vision and Guidelines

This deliverable demonstrates how to refine and develop the bold city vision into a fully integrated planning process, implementation, and replication. Citizens, community groups, NGOs, local leaders, and industry partners will be involved in the demonstration through the citizen observatories (T5.3) and the Playgrounds (T5.5). Evidence-based data and insights will be used to make informed decisions on urban, technical, financial, and social aspects guided by the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The report will then demonstrate and document what TK as urban authority needs to do in order to enable the creation of a positive energy city by 2050, and a framework on how TK can develop this capability to last through generations, together with local stakeholders. The report further describes how to create well integrated innovative strategies with realistic implementation roadmaps that support each other, utilise open innovation, avoid duplication of effort and costs, and contributes to increased resource efficiency in the implementation phase. Finally, the report demonstrate how TK together with local stakeholders can co-create resourcing and funding mechanisms for the implementation, replication, and scaling out of solutions to social, economic, physical, and environmental issues. The bold city vision will correspondingly be supported by an adequate investment and resourcing plan (T5.11) (connected to Task 5.2).