Communication, Dissemination & Outreach Plan

Dissemination of the results of the project will be achieved by participating in scientific symposia and congresses, by peer-reviewed scientific publications, conferences, outreach talks, and by creating graphical material to distribute online through the web page of the host institutions and social media accounts. We have planned to participate in the following conferences, symposia and meetings, among others: ICES Annual Science Conference 2022 12-15 September 2022 Dublin, Ireland, where we will present Results of WP1 (D1); 5th International Symposium The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans. 17-21 April 2023 Bergen, Norway; where we will present the results of WP2 (D2); ASLO 2023 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. JUNE 4-9, 2023. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. where we will present the results of WP3 (D3); and ICES Annual Science Conference 2023 (~September); presenting results of WP4 (D4).The host institute, IIM-CSIC, has a strong commitment engaging Science with Society and a wide experience in education and outreach activities. The IIM-CSIC has its own Engagement with Society Unit (UCC+I) which works closely with the Scientific Culture Unit (UCC) of the CSIC's Delegation in Galicia, and will be able to give support to the dissemination and communication plan of this project through institutional web-pages and social media accounts. Moreover, the deliverables of the project will be available for research and non-profit initiatives through the IIM-CSIC website that is connected to the DigitalCSIC data repository, which is also associated with other repositories (R3data, FAIRsharingData, etc) and Search platforms (Scholar google, etc) ensuring the correct dissemination and availability of data and results.We will participate in outreach activities planned by the host institution and will produce graphical material to properly disseminate the FishAdapt project. Outreach activities are planned to be realized through the whole lifetime of the project fitting the Institution’s agenda. Outreach talks and graphical material will be addressed to different communities: 1) fishers: promoting sustainable fishing practices in relation to Climate Change adaptation; 2) governmental agencies and fisheries stakeholders: transferring the results and methodological approaches to influence decision-making policies in fisheries management; and 3) citizen in general as end-users/consumers: raising awareness on sustainable consumption of marine resources. Finally, the researcher candidate is committed to outreach and citizen sciences projects, and therefore she will disseminate the project goal and the research outputs through the lifetime of the project also through her personal twitter account @natpetit1.Given the high quality of the proposed research, we planned to submit two publications with the results to high-impact journals relevant to the research field such as Global Change Biology, Fish and Fisheries, and Molecular Ecology. The submission of the Research Output (RO1) “adaptive potential to environmental change in exploited fish” is planned to be before the end of the first year of work (nearly April-May 2023); while the submission of the RO2 is planned to be before the end of the second year (around April-May 2024). The two publications will be available first as pre-prints and then by open access publication, increasing their dissemination chances.