Report on replication events including roadmaps from follower regions

Description: Report, written in English, of replication events including roadmaps from Follower RegionsObjectives: 1) provide feedback on the implementation of replication events by demonstrator regions and follower regions; 2) provide details about the implementation plans from follower regions; 3) inspire other territories and their stakeholders to implement the FoodRUs results.Content: two types of replication events will be implemented: 1) “National Replication Workshop”, implemented by each FoodRUs demonstrator region (taking advantage of the local stakeholders’ empowerment activities from WP2) and targeting other territories (regions and cities) from the same countries (the workshops will include interactive training session focusing on concrete aspects of the demonstrators (e.g. citizens’ acceptance and participation, technical aspects, or the use of digital solutions), and include a study visit presenting the local implementation); 2) ‘Local Replication Workshop’ to be implemented by Follower Regions and targeting relevant stakeholders of their territory (public administrations, farmers, producers, retailers, consumer associations, food Banks, etc.), with the objective be to engage regional stakeholders in order to propose and discuss local solutions, and to co-construct a roadmap for the region for the implementation of the FoodRUs approaches and solutions in the medium-term after the end of the project.Targets: local and regional authorities, decision makers, local stakeholdersTasks involved: 1) template for reporting to be provided to FoodRUs demonstrator regions, and template for reporting to be provided to follower regions (including details related to roadmaps); 2) draft report on the basis of details provided by demonstrator and follower regions.Relation with other deliverables: D2.1, D2.2, D2.3, D5.3Para habilitar la compatibilidad con lectores de pantalla, pulsa Ctrl+Alt+Z. Para obtener información acerca de las combinaciones de teclas, pulsa Ctrl+barra diagonal.