Dissemination and Outreach Plan

Report on the below activities:1) Through a comprehensive mapping of the relevant events, together with successfulcommunication activities and the availability of relevant materials (scientific articles or posters on the project methodology, initial findings and project outputs), the presence of UNL, alone or with the Twinning Partners will be duly guaranteed to foster project’s awareness and dissemination. Additionally, relevant Events (including the EVCA final Conference) will be organized back-to-back with other events, whenever possible.2) This Plan dissemination and outreach plan (DOP) underlines the strategy for the project communication and outreach activities to be followed by the consortium. For the development of this plan an additional exhaustive list of European and international institutions (e.g. policymakers, health institutions, research and academic organisations and patient organisations) will be mapped to identify potential end-users of the results and partners for further research projects to be developed within and beyond the project. The DOP will: i) guarantee a high visibility and effective promotion of the project, ii) maximise the impact of its activities, and iii) ensure a proper and efficient dissemination of its results within and outside the consortium and beyond the end of the project.This document will provide the framework for the impact evaluation of the covered activities and will be regularly updated / adjusted along the project‘s execution. This task will also ensure the nurturing and enlarging the networks and collaboration with hospitals, patient groups and industry.3) EVCA events and Final conference Report