Data Management Plan

The FAIR principle will be used to manage the research data, making it discoverable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. This DMP will evolve during the lifetime of the project to present the status of the project's reflections on such data. The data, complying with the FAIR principles will be stored, curated, and shared through the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and KU Leuven research data repository (RDR) after necessary IP rights will be secured for exploitation. To ensure the findability and accessibility of the data, digital object identifiers (DOI) will be generated for relevant datasets and will be stored at the university’s self-mirrored long-term data storage facility in addition to the EOSC and the RDR. Before publication in journals, preprints will be made available at the public repository (arXiv). The accepted version of journal articles will be uploaded to the OpenAIRE-compliant KU Leuven repository LIRIAS. To ensure the data will be interoperable, and reusable, the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) will be used as the metadata standard. Microsoft OneNote will be used to document and publish the research notebook. The data analysis code will be posted to a repository (like Github) so that other authorized users can easily access it and develop it. The imaging protocols will be published on a repository (e.g., Mendeley Data or DataHub).