An Efficient Approach for Generating Training Environments in Virtual Reality Using a Digital Twin for Construction Safety


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Authors: Speiser, Kilian; Teizer, Jochen

Journal title: Speiser , K & Teizer , J 2023 , An Efficient Approach for Generating Training Environments in Virtual Reality Using a Digital Twin for Construction Safety . in E Fidelis , F Sherratt & A Soeiro (eds) , Proceedings of the CIBW099W123 : Digital Transformation of Health and Safety in Construction . pp. 481-490 , CIB W099 & W123 Annual International Conference , Porto , Portugal , 21/06/2023 . < https

Journal number: 14

Journal publisher: DTU Orbit

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.24840/978-972-752-309-2