Targeting tumour-intrinsic neural vulnerabilities of glioblastoma


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Authors: Sohyon Lee; Tobias Weiss; Marcel Bühler; Julien Mena; Zuzanna Lottenbach; Rebekka Wegmann; Miaomiao Sun; Michel Bihl; Bartłomiej Augustynek; Sven Baumann; Sandra Goetze; Audrey van Drogen; Patrick Pedrioli; Daniel Kirschenbaum; Flavio Vasella; Elisabeth J. Rushing; Bernd Wollscheid; Matthias A. Hediger; Weller Michael; Berend Snijder

Journal title: Lee, Sohyon; Weiss, Tobias; Bühler, Marcel; Mena, Julien; Lottenbach, Zuzanna; Wegmann, Rebekka; Bihl, Michel; Augustynek, Bartlomiej; Baumann, Sven; Goetze, Sandra; van Drogen, Audrey; Vasella, Flavio; Rushing, Elisabeth J; Wollscheid, Bernd; Hediger, Matthias A; Snijder, Berend (7 October 2022). Targeting tumour-intrinsic neural vulnerabilities of glioblastoma (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Labo

Journal number: 1

Journal publisher: bioRXiv

Published year: 2022

DOI identifier: 10.1101/2022.10.07.511321