Personalized Multimodal Lifestyle Intervention as the Best-Evidenced Treatment for Chronic Pain: State-of-the-Art Clinical Perspective


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Authors: Nijs , Jo; Malfliet, Anneleen; ROOSE, Eva; LAHOUSSE, Astrid; Van Bogaert, Wouter; Johansson, Elin; Runge, Nils; Goossens, Zosia; Labie, Celine; Bilterys, Thomas; VAN CAMPENHOUT, Jelle; Polli, Andrea; Wyns, Arne; Xiong, Huan-Yu; Ahmed, Ishtiaq; Hendrix , Jolien; Huysmans, Eva; DE BAETS, Liesbet

Journal title: Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13 (3) (Art N° 644)

Journal publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Published year: 2024

DOI identifier: 10.3390/jcm13030644

ISSN: 2077-0383