Challenges for the interaction region design of the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee


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Authors: Manuela Boscolo; Nicola Bacchetta; Michael Benedikt; Laurent Brunetti; Helmut Burkhardt; Andrea Ciarma; Mogens Dam; Francesco Fransesini; Mark Jones; Roberto Kersevan; Mike Koratzinos; Marian Lueckhof; Mauro Migliorati; Eva Montbarbon; Alexander Novokhatski; Katsunobu Oide; Luigi Pellegrino; Freddy Poirier; Maurizio Serluca; Michael K. Sullivan; Leonard Watrelot; Frank Zimmermann

Journal title: "12th International Particle Accelerator Conference , May 2021, Online, Brazil. pp.WEPAB029, ⟨10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-WEPAB029⟩"

Journal number: 1

Journal publisher: JACoW Publishing

Published year: 2021

DOI identifier: 10.48550/arxiv.2105.09698