Draft Knowledge and Data Management Plan

A dedicated KDMP will be developed and implemented to ensure that the project is fully in line with GDPR. The KDMP will outline how the consortium deals with the sourcing, processing, analysis and storage of data generated in the project, the standards, guidelines and methodologies it adopts, as well as how data is made available to whom; and how it will be preserved post-project. The KDMP will be discussed with the PMT and approved by all PPs. All project partners will ensure that the data they collect, produce, handle and store, aligns with the KDMP and will appoint a contact person responsible within their institution. The KDMP will include the definition of the data and publication policies taken up by the consortium and address IPRs. As far as possible, data will be made openly available with procedures presented in the KDMP, to be regularly updated throughout the project lifetime on an ad-hoc basis.