Annual data reporting for the Clean Hydrogen JU 2024

D6.4: Annual data reporting for the Clean Hydrogen JU 2024 – SNAM – Months: 15; For the purpose of monitoring technology progress against state-of-art, but also to identify how each of the projects contributes to the Clean Hydrogen JU targets, objectives and indicators described in the SRIA, supported projects shall report directly or indirectly on an annual basis (e.g. via a secure online data collection platform) managed by the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking throughout the duration of Horizon Europe. The projects will need to submit all information included the questionnaire(s), unless they request and receive an exception from the Programme Office. The information is submitted by default as public, but the projects can request for certain fields to be considered as “confidential” except for the fields that constitute or directly inform KPIs of the Clean Hydrogen JU.