Protocol for data requirements for modelling and DSS tool

NBS and their nutrient flows will be monitored based on remote sensing satellite data. Satellite images will furthermore be used as additional and actual knowledge input in the work with models. Weekly satellite data will support or question the modelled data and add as additional data layer and/or knowledge input. Satellite data collection will be from the initiation of the spring growth until the end of nutrient uptake in early winter in the case regions.In order to ensure effective and useful collection and distribution of remote sensing data between partners, a common understanding of needs and requirements of the remote sensing data for task 3.2 must be established. Further everyone should have an understanding of what format, quality and quantity of useful data they can expect to have available. In month 13 this understanding will be concretized as a protocol for how the data collection pipeline and delivery system is to be implemented by FieldSense such that all partners can have the optimal benefit of the data. It is expected that the protocol will require that data is to be collected and delivered in the period from month 14-42.