D2.3 LL implementation planThis deliverable relates to T2.1 (Preparation of the 8 LLs to Undertake RIA) and T2.2 (Strategy Building Phase ).In T2.1, the LLs are endowed with a workshops, staffs, and basic infrastructures. For the research and innovation action related to the use cases, the LLs will be adequately equipped and prepared. They will be ‘powered up’ through scouting of active and committed participants, i.e., local innovation actors in collaboration with WP1.The strategy for the LLs will be enshrined in the LL Implementation Plan (IP) as a living document as part of T2.2. The IP gauging and correction will be done based on periodic virtual and in-person meetings of the INCiTiS-FOOD T2.2 partners. Based on the local resource and service streams (identified in collaboration with WP1), local innovators will develop, co-design, and co-create technologies and practices related to the use cases and guided by the LL staffs.
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