D6.1 Project Management PlanThis deliverable is based on T6.1. In T6.1, an internal web-based project management platform is established that is accessible any time. A Project Management Plan (PMP) is developed to define internal communication, organisational, decision-making and quality management processes and guidelines. The PMP will be continuously updated if necessary. BayFOR will act as one-stop ‘help desk’ to all consortium partners and provide guidance for administrative matters, regardless of experience with EC framework programs. BayFOR will support WP leaders in managing the WP partners to ensure timely submission of deliverables. Regular project meetings will be organised and documented, including a monthly meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) (web-based), a project kick-off meeting, and subsequent annual General Assemblies (GA, one virtual, one in person). Monthly project management updates will be circulated with the consortium. UniBw M (CO: Coordinator) will be responsible for the preparation, collection, and maintenance of contractual documents (e.g., Grant Agreement, Consortium Agreement) and will ensure that partners are aware of and have access to the project’s legal framework at any time. A session in the annual General Assembly meeting serves the presentation of financial and administrative details and setting up of common procedures.
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