Data Management Plan (DMP)

D6.2 Data Management PlanThis deliverable is based on T6.4.Knowledge management will ensure that all outcomes, e.g., innovations with regard to products and business models, upgrading TRL, BRL, SRL, new processes, and scientific outputs are fully captured. All new IPR generated during and by the project will be under the ownership of the partners involved and exclusively allocated to them where applicable. INCiTiS-FOOD will generate data through mixed methods surveys, expert interviews, use cases in LLs, technological prototypes, MVPs, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Primary data produced will be managed such that sampling and data storing does not jeopardize the privacy terms. UniBw M will be responsible for the design and implementation of a Data Management Plan (DMP, D6.2) following the FAIR Guiding Principles. The DMP will be updated on a bi-annual basis. Non-confidential survey data will be licensed under the Open Database License (ODbL). During the lifetime of INCiTiS-FOOD, data will be stored on a secure multi-user online platform managed by FSH. Research outputs such as articles or book chapters and underpinning data will be made open access. Research outputs not open access will be deposited to an institutional repository and become open access 12 months after publication, either by direct link to e-prints or as a direct deposit to the European Open Science Infrastructure (openAIRE).